FLB Insights

Seven Top Tips on Structuring a Restaurant Lease to Support its Operation
Managing Partner Eric Bernheim shares the seven top tips on structuring a restaurant lease to support its operation.

Top Five Things to Consider When Acquiring a Business
Rick Costantini shares the top five things to consider when buying a business.

FLB Law Successfully Obtains Tacombi Site Plan Approval from P&Z Commission
FLB Law represents Tacombi taqueria before the Westport Planning & Zoning Commission.

Steve Kleppin Provides Updates on the Norwalk Planning & Zoning Commission
Highlights from episode five of the Real Estate Roundup podcast hosted by FLB Law Managing Partner Eric Bernheim and featuring special guest Steve Kleppin, Director of Planning and Zoning for the City of Norwalk, CT.

Charlene O’Connell Reports on the Office Leasing Market in Fairfield County
Highlights from episode four of the Real Estate Roundup podcast hosted by FLB Law Managing Partner Eric Bernheim and featuring special guest Charlene O’Connell, Vice President of Choyce Peterson.

Michael DiScala Talks Trends in Industrial, Retail and Multi-Family in Episode Three of the Real Estate Roundup
Highlights from episode three of the Real Estate Roundup podcast hosted by FLB Law Managing Partner Eric Bernheim and featuring special guest, Michael DiScala, President and CEO of M.F. DiScala & Company.

Judith Dominguez Provides Effective Strategies for Buying and Selling Houses in Norwalk’s Hot Real Estate Market
Highlights from episode two of the Real Estate Roundup podcast featuring host Managing Partner Eric Bernheim and special guest, Judith Dominguez, a realtor with WEB Realty.

Edward Gormbley Successfully Aligns his Personal Values and Business Goals with Real Estate Investment Company Workforce Partners
Highlights from episode one of the Real Estate Roundup podcast featuring host Managing Partner Eric Bernheim and special guest, Edward Gormbley, founder of Workforce Partners, LLC.

Westport P&Z Commission Approves Amendment That Permits Balconies on Commercial Buildings Abutting the Saugatuck River
This ammendment is a significant change for commercial buildings throughout Westport and for owners of buildings along the Saugatuck River.

Eric Bernheim Compels Westport P&Z Commission to Allow Balconies on Commercial Buildings Along River
Text amendment also streamlines the permitting process by allowing minor non-residential alterations in a Coastal Area Management Zone to be handled by the commission in a work session format.

Practice Spotlight: Real Estate & Land Use
Whether pursuing acquisition and development projects, managing zoning matters for individuals or large commercial projects, or supporting l business growth, FLB’s Real Estate & Land Use Practice handles both commercial and residential real estate matters that support their clients’ personal and professional goals.