Brian Tims to Speak at the 26th Annual Snow & Ice Symposium in Hartford, CT

FLB Law Partner Brian Tims will be speaking at the 26th Annual Snow & Ice Symposium at the Convention Center in Hartford, CT, June 13-16, 2023.

Brian and Deb Mattson from Allied Snow Removal and Jay Long from Gerardi Insurance will serve as panelists for the session titled "Snow & Ice on Trial" on June 14, 2023. Together, they will explore different scenarios related to the snow and ice removal industry and how they can potentially affect insurance and legal matters. The panel will cover topics such as insurance procurement, contracts, performance, and defending claims and lawsuits. Attendees will also get the chance to witness a mock deposition and receive helpful deposition tips. Don't miss out on this informative session!

 More information and registration are available on the event website.


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